Tuesday, August 25, 2009


每每出状况时,就会好恨自己的介意,神经不能再大条些么?再糊涂一些不行么?天塌下来当被盖 不行么?像“爬爬”一样做错了事什么也不怕不行么?

Monday, August 24, 2009








Thursday, August 20, 2009

~* very "pro" accountain *~

Me, as a little small admin clerk+ da zap+ bao mountain bao sea~~now my latest post is ----- argue with all those stupid customer's accountain !!

This accountain, we call her Jx, who was called me for a invoice that she said she never received it! I be patient to listen to her, but the way she talk was so rude!!Like we was "wad" them to pay for this invoice for just RM240.00 @_@

Jx :" Ms.Lin, I think we never received this invoice, it's suddenly appear at my August'09 statement."

p/s: that RM240.00 invoice is dated on May'09 =.=''

Me :" ok, can you please check for me did you received my statement on every month?"

Jx :" SURE !!!we received your statement and we do CHECKED IT when we received ~ that's y i wondering y it can be suddenly appear on my latest statement??"

:the sounds of received was tarik panjang-panjang n lama-lama

Me :"ok...as you said you had received my statement on every month, and you also do checked it ...im also wondering how can you notice the amount for now?coz it was May'09 acc...? this invoice was dated may'09, it cant suddenly appear on your latest statement..."

Jx :" wait....i ask my acc c weather she got check it onot..."

inside my heart--->hello???just now izit someone said she does check it???????

Jx :'' emm...my acc said she never received your May's statement."

Me :" ....................................................................................................."

war~~can deny it so fast~can change your word so geng!!i really lose jor loh ????im not bad as u !~!~

all i wan to say is...the truth is....your staff was sign at the D/O ...

what you still wan to deny for???????

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


我们家的心肝宝贝~~~~~~ 雪玲 desu ~

它是令我们一放工回到家第一件事就会跑向它给它够够力的sayang一下 ^o^ 不这样做的基本上就不是姓凌的~~哇~说得好严重哦 :p

它最喜欢吃糖了。。冬瓜糖是它的最爱~木薯糖水它也很ok 哟~ 其实它喜欢吃糖也是一次的机缘巧合,妈妈听说让小狗吃白糖捞饭可以令它们的毛长的更漂亮,这么一捞,就让雪玲疯狂的爱上了糖~
